Can Grao, Sa Forada

We are regenerating a 20-hectare plot of land using rotational grazing of our organic chickens and an agroforestry system. A polyfarming design transforms individual farm operations into one holistic living system thus transmuting what would have been waste into a valuable resource. When combining animals, trees and crops, we ensure to nurture both the top and sub-soil.

The answer is under our feet

The soil is the best and largest water holding “structure” we have access to. Cisterns and water tanks don’t even come close. How do we increase the water holding capacity of our molested and misused soils? Through carbon! How do we get carbon into our soils? Through the fast carbon pathways associated with trees and plants.

“Plant root inputs build soil carbon at a rate of 5 to 50 times faster than carbon derived from above ground biomass.” - (Dr. Christine Jones)

Chicken grazing

Terra Viva Ibiza is the first on the island to produce certified organic grass-fed chicken. Pasture-fed chicken provides a healthier and more nutritious meat with a higher quality fat content. Its meat has an intense flavor and special consistency due to its natural growth, its varied diet between organic feed, grass and insects and its constant movement thanks to our chicken tractors.

These tractors move every day to be able to regenerate the soil and give enough time for the grass to grow again thus promoting carbon fixation and an increase in organic matter.

Successional Agroforestry

We have planted over 16,000 trees and bushes within a successional agroforestry design. This design is based on intensive biodiversity and on a wholistic understanding of what each species will contribute to the system, their life spam, needs for sun and their growth speed. The constant pruning of the consortium that, with their foliage, provide organic matter and nourish the soil is key in order to promote fertility from within.

The plantation lines have been carefully designed following the topography of the land so that water can efficiently reach the root system of our trees while maintaining enough space for animals to graze in between.

Results in increased fertility and organic matter in the chicken grazing area and agroforest.

After just one year from August 2022 to August 2023 we have seen a huge increase in soil health. Here we summarize the three most important parameters linked to soil fertility and health. You can access the laboratory analyzes at the links listed above.

Organic Matter

from 2.54% to 5.07%

An increase in organic matter favors mineralization processes, the soil's ability to retain water, the prevention of erosion, serves as food for a multitude of microorganisms and stimulates plant growth in a balanced ecological system.


from 226 to 50

Decreased soil compaction promotes soil oxygenation, water retention, useful microbial activity and root growth.

C/N Ratio

from 8.4 to 11.6

The value of the C/N Ratio indicates that the mineralization rate is good, since it stimulates the proliferation of microorganisms that mineralize the organic matter, and consequently, the nutrients are available for the grassland and agroforestry system.